Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Hello ....
We left this morning at 10 a.m. and got home at 3 p.m. today. We went to Assistant Living, Gary taught, and I sang 2 songs: I Saw The Light and White Christmas. We then went a half a block to the Nursing Home. A lady at church has been wanting me to sing at the nursing home for a long time! Her mother gets her hair washed on Tuesdays and I was wanting to go when we go to the Assistant Living. Too many miles and too much time. I called last week and the Activity Director told me that I could come at 12:15 and sing through lunch. We leave the Assistant Living place at noon.
That nursing home is huge! The director showed me where I could stand, then took me to 3 more rooms and told me that I could sing a couple of songs in there too if I wanted to. (Wow!) I was going to take my karaoke but it was snowing like crazy! It is a good thing that I promised my friend that I would go. I have to be really careful in the winter because I fall. :( I took my little boom box that I took a pix of and put on my AOL journal. She showed me where the microphone was. I was afraid that my singing would be louder than my music. lol I told her that I didn't need a microphone because I sang loud. She asked Gary if that was true. hehe Gary said, "Well, lets put it this way... you won't have a hard time hearing her." lol The lady says to me... "Well you can just walk around and sing since you won't be using a microphone." That is what I did... that is a new one for me! lol The people loved it! I walked around with the little boom box in my left hand singing, and I could pat them on the shoulder with my right hand. A lot of them were singing with me.
I sang 7 songs in the main lunch room, 2 songs in the 2nd room, and 3 songs in the third room. Guess what .... when I was all done singing I realized I missed the 4th room! lol I sang 14 songs today. I sang White Christmas 4 times... Old Rugged Cross 2 times... One Day At A Time .... 3 times.... I Saw The Light 3 times... and these 1 time... He Touched Me, Shepherd Of My Valley, and Where Could I Go. Needless to say .... I was ready for lunch. hehe I did manage to get a half a glass of water through all of it. The longest that I have sang is for 1 1/2 hours with a 10 minute break at a Rodeo Christian Picnic.
We have 3 Christmas parties to go to before Christmas. I still have to buy a few gifts. I have most of them in gift bags.... way to go! Right now my house looks like 3 tornadoes hit it. lol
Well cutting this short because it is 12:45 A.M. Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing all of you a blessed week with lots of blessings. God Bless, Janie
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Some things that I would like to touch on before starting the story of my life:
One of the most often asked question is... How could a God allow little children to suffer, all the hurting, and injustice in this world? I too asked this same question?? I have seen God work in my life and I know that there is a God. I am a sinner, but yet He continues to bless my life. That does not mean that I will never experience pain or suffering. God gives each of us a free will. Have you ever noticed in the picture of Jesus knocking on the door.. there is not a door knob. You have to open the door from the inside. Many times our choices is what has created some of our problems in our in life.
Several statements that made me stop and think:
1. Was it JUST for God to give His only son for a world full of sinners? Do you think that God had no feelings when His Son was crucified? Have you experienced some of the storms recently? As soon as Jesus died the sky darkened and the storm came... ripping the curtain from the bottom to the top.
2. A statement from my cousin's husband made me really stop and think. He said his cousin told him one day; "You know Ben you have lived long enough for 2 good men lives." Ben told me that every morning he looks in the mirror and says... "Thank you Lord for another day." As I sit here... I have lived long enough for 3 good women. God cared enough to create me.
3. The Lord rains on the good and the bad. This is the one that is REALLY hard to handle. We ask why?? I don't know why. That is what scripture says. He tells us that we should weep when we are born and rejoice when we die. Death to us is almost unbearable. But let me ask you a question... our life is only a moment compared to eternity... do you agree? ETERNITY, can we even phantom what ETERNITY is like? How blessed we are if we have family members that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior... because He is preparing a place for us. A place where the streets are made of gold. Jasper and diamonds... beyond our imagination. A rainbow is beautiful but imagine for one moment what Heaven will be like.
4. When God appeared to Moses, He was on the Mountain. When everything is going good... let's call it being on the Mountain. When things are bad... let's call it being in the Valley. When we are in the valley we have to look up to see the Mountain. When my life was so low and I was on my knees; I felt like the only thing left for me to do... was LOOK UP! The Lord knew me well enough to know that was the only thing that would draw me near Him. He knows me better than I know myself... but yet He loves me. The same with you.
5. Do you have a child? Has that child asked you for silly things, little things, and even unbelievable things? Has your child ever fallen down and skinned their knee? Did you care... or did you ignore them? God tells us to pray for ALL things. Some people believe that they have to save the bad things for prayer. A minister at a church I went to believed that. Unreal. I have even asked God to help me find something when running frantically through my house looking for it. FINALLY I will pray. What a miracle... to turn my head... and there it is!! Unbelievable that God loves me that MUCH!! Miracles are great... but to actually care about the little things in my life... is wonderful. Scripture tells us that He knew us in our mother's womb... before we were even born.
6. Last... I feel like God gives each of us a gift. Something that we can do well. It might be a simple little gift but it is important. Sometimes it is hard for us to know what our gifts are. I feel like if we just be ourselves we will discover what our gift is. I can talk to someone 30 minutes and they have told me their whole life history. Don't ask me why or how?? I can read between the lines of what people are saying without them even knowing it. I use a lot of eye contact. I listen close to what people are saying. Just being me, not something that I practiced. Singing... I have loved to sing before I could even sing. lol At the age of 3 my mother wrote in my baby book: "Janie sings all the time but she can not carry a tune." I asked her about that and she said it was true... I could not sing! lol God tells us that if we do not use our gift He will give it to someone else. I am a very simple person, speak very simple, and my vocabulary is very limited. Sometimes I feel very uncomfortable with that. Jesus had to have been very intelligent; but yet He spoke in parables so the people could understand Him. Each one of us are to go out into the world and be a messenger. We just have to take the first step and He will do the rest.
I am not too Bible smart but if you have a question, please ask and I will try to find the answer from someone else. You are all in my prayers. May God bless each and everyone of you. Janie
Will try to video on later.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now can see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we first begun
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now can see
This entry has 4 comments
#4 Comment from carouselqueen706/21/08 12:30PM
I love your journal entries..they are all so uplifting especially in my time of crisis. Thank you for sharing them with us. I dont blame God for my problems. I know I have created them. Sometimes i feel as if he has turned his back on me but deep down inside i know he hasnt...love, Christine
#3 Comment from jhorky6/18/08 12:36 PM
So true as I know it. I reached out to my daughter-in-law and it made me feel like I needed to do that for my son, my grandaughter, Kathy, and me. t took courage, but I felt it was the right thing to do. Lucy
#2 Comment from jckfrstross6/18/08 12:40 AM
i have added this one too my alerts:)Deb
#1 Comment from lv2trnscrb6/18/08 12:38 AM
this was so well-written Janie and so true!!! everything you said I couldn't agree with you more!! betty
Unanswered Prayers
After tonight I will not be making more than one entry per day. Either this one or the other one. Sorry for so many entries recently.
Some things that I would like to touch on before starting the story of my life:
One of the most often asked question is... How could a God allow little children to suffer, all the hurting, and injustice in this world? I too asked this same question?? I have seen God work in my life and I know that there is a God. I am a sinner, but yet He continues to bless my life. That does not mean that I will never experience pain or suffering. God gives each of us a free will. Have you ever noticed in the picture of Jesus knocking on the door.. there is not a door knob. You have to open the door from the inside. Many times our choices is what has created some of our problems in our in life.
Several statements that made me stop and think:
1. Was it JUST for God to give His only son for a world full of sinners? Do you think that God had no feelings when His Son was crucified? Have you experienced some of the storms recently? As soon as Jesus died the sky darkened and the storm came... ripping the curtain from the bottom to the top.
2. A statement from my cousin's husband made me really stop and think. He said his cousin told him one day; "You know Ben you have lived long enough for 2 good men lives." Ben told me that every morning he looks in the mirror and says... "Thank you Lord for another day." As I sit here... I have lived long enough for 3 good women. God cared enough to create me.
3. The Lord rains on the good and the bad. This is the one that is REALLY hard to handle. We ask why?? I don't know why. That is what scripture says. He tells us that we should weep when we are born and rejoice when we die. Death to us is almost unbearable. But let me ask you a question... our life is only a moment compared to eternity... do you agree? ETERNITY, can we even phantom what ETERNITY is like? How blessed we are if we have family members that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior... because He is preparing a place for us. A place where the streets are made of gold. Jasper and diamonds... beyond our imagination. A rainbow is beautiful but imagine for one moment what Heaven will be like.
4. When God appeared to Moses, He was on the Mountain. When everything is going good... let's call it being on the Mountain. When things are bad... let's call it being in the Valley. When we are in the valley we have to look up to see the Mountain. When my life was so low and I was on my knees; I felt like the only thing left for me to do... was LOOK UP! The Lord knew me well enough to know that was the only thing that would draw me near Him. He knows me better than I know myself... but yet He loves me. The same with you.
5. Do you have a child? Has that child asked you for silly things, little things, and even unbelievable things? Has your child ever fallen down and skinned their knee? Did you care... or did you ignore them? God tells us to pray for ALL things. Some people believe that they have to save the bad things for prayer. A minister at a church I went to believed that. Unreal. I have even asked God to help me find something when running frantically through my house looking for it. FINALLY I will pray. What a miracle... to turn my head... and there it is!! Unbelievable that God loves me that MUCH!! Miracles are great... but to actually care about the little things in my life... is wonderful. Scripture tells us that He knew us in our mother's womb... before we were even born.
6. Last... I feel like God gives each of us a gift. Something that we can do well. It might be a simple little gift but it is important. Sometimes it is hard for us to know what our gifts are. I feel like if we just be ourselves we will discover what our gift is. I can talk to someone 30 minutes and they have told me their whole life history. Don't ask me why or how?? I can read between the lines of what people are saying without them even knowing it. I use a lot of eye contact. I listen close to what people are saying. Just being me, not something that I practiced. Singing... I have loved to sing before I could even sing. lol At the age of 3 my mother wrote in my baby book: "Janie sings all the time but she can not carry a tune." I asked her about that and she said it was true... I could not sing! lol God tells us that if we do not use our gift He will give it to someone else. I am a very simple person, speak very simple, and my vocabulary is very limited. Sometimes I feel very uncomfortable with that. Jesus had to have been very intelligent; but yet He spoke in parables so the people could understand Him. Each one of us are to go out into the world and be a messenger. We just have to take the first step and He will do the rest.
I am not too Bible smart but if you have a question, please ask and I will try to find the answer from someone else. You are all in my prayers. May God bless each and everyone of you. Janie
Will try to put video on later.
Amazing grace, how sweet the soundThat saved a wretch like meI once was lost, but now I'm foundWas blind, but now can see'Twas grace that taught my heart to fearAnd grace my fears relievedHow precious did that grace appearThe hour I first believedWhen we've been there ten thousand yearsBright shining as the sunWe've no less days to sing God's praiseThan when we first begunAmazing grace, how sweet the soundThat saved a wretch like meI once was lost, but now I'm foundWas blind, but now can see
Starting a new journal. Very simple; no graphics or frills. On occasion I will add some music videos that have influenced my life. Please feel free to walk down the paths of my life. My hope is that it may inspire or teach a few lessons in life. According to scripture older women are to teach younger women. For those that are close to me, may you relive some of the stories that are being told. For my children, aunts, cousins, please email me with an entry if you want to share. All of you are in my prayers. God Bless, Janie
Written by Dottie Rambo. Recently she was killed in an automobile accident when on tour. She wrote thousands of songs. What a blessing from the Lord. May this bless your life. This video is full of emotion. When we know the Lord times can be very emotional. Will try to put video on soon; right now I don't know how.
I feel the touch of hands so kind and tender.
They're leading me in the paths that I must trod.
I'll have no fear for Jesus walks beside me
For I'm sheltered in the arms of God.
So let the storms rage high,
The dark clouds rise,
They won't worry me;
For I'm sheltered safe within the arms of God.
He walks with me, And naught of earth shall harm me,
For I'm sheltered in the arms of God.
Soon I shall hear the call from heaven's portals.
Come home my child, It's the last mile you must trod
I'll fall asleep And wake in God's new heaven
For I'm sheltered in the arms of God.
So let the storms rage high,
The dark clouds rise,
They won't worry me;
For I'm sheltered safe within the arms of God.
He walks with me,
And naught of earth shall harm me,
For I'm sheltered in the arms of God.
This entry has 8 comments
#8 Comment from nelishianat
6/18/08 10:48 PM
The scripture about letting the older women teach the younger is one of my favorite. To this day I am drawn to sitting and listening to older woman rather than people my own age as I learn so much. I think that in and of itself alone is one of the greatest draws for me to your journal, and Lucy's journal and Gerry's journal. I like to listen and learn. Dottie Rambo was one of my heroes here on earth.
#7 Comment from marainey1
6/17/08 8:52 PM
I'm always reminded about the Proverbs 31 women and how we should teach the younger ones. Although the younger women I know always act like they know it all and much better than I, so they think everything I say is old fashioned. I'm to the point that I keep my mouth shut most of the time. 'On Ya' -ma
#6 Comment from thegirlnexdoor77
6/17/08 8:23 PM
Checking out your new j...love ya. TerryAnn
#5 Comment from blackjanedoe
6/17/08 7:55 PM
look forward to reading these entries too.
#4 Comment from manda2177
6/17/08 7:44 PM
Well if this is you instructing me in the ways of Scrpiture...sign me up!! I will enjoy this journal immensely!!!
God bless-
#3 Comment from plieck30
6/17/08 7:11 PM
Nice journal Janie. I will stop by from time to time. Paula
#2 Comment from lucille4364
6/17/08 3:39 PM
Great idea Janie. Perhaps it will help me with some unanswered questions.
#1 Comment from lv2trnscrb
6/17/08 2:46 PM
Janie, what a wonderful idea for a journal!! I think all of us should do this, LOL, because it is amazing to look back and see the hand of God on our lives when we were not even following him, but he had his eyes on us!! looking forward to reading what you write :) betty
My mother told me one time that I was religious when I was real little. I asked her why, because we did not go to church. Her answer was that she did not know why. lol Around the age of 2 1/2 my dad's little brother, Jimmy, use to come and visit me. He would put bobby pins or anything in the floor and love to watch me pick them up. I asked mom why he did that. She said he just liked to watch my little fingers pick them up off of the floor. He died at the age of 16. He had a mastoid and they could not do anything for him. Mom said they sent him home to die.
A couple of years before he died, him and a couple of boys crossed the Verdigris River on horses. One of the boy's horse got tangled in wire and he drown. While delirious Jimmy wanted to get up off of the sofa. My grandma would tell him to lay back down. He kept telling her he had to go, the boy who drown was on a white horse, riding around the house, and calling his name.
Not long after, mom and daddy would take me to a movie and I would scream and cry... "My Jesus and my Jimmy is not here!" I asked my mother what they did. She said, "Why it was embarrassing and we would have to leave. People would be looking at us." She did not know why I was doing that. My Granny must have said something to me about Jimmy going to heaven to be with Jesus, because I don't think I could just pull this out of a hat.
It wasn't must longer when the Catholic sister sat beside Granny and I on the bus. Funny how God worked in my life and I was not even aware of it. Books, crayons, pamphlets, and all kinds of religious things mailed to me from the age of 3 to 9 years old. When 9 years old Queenie got run over by the truck. Jesus tells us we must be like a little child believing all things. By letting Queenie live He instilled in me the knowledge that God does answer prayers.
Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard: The master of the vineyard wanted workers, so he went out in the road and asked those idle if they would work in his vineyard for 1 pence. A couple of hours later he saw people still standing in the road, so he went out and asked those standing around if they wanted to work in his vineyard for 1 pence. This continued throughout the day until an hour was left of the day. When it was time to pay, he told them he would pay them starting with the man who was hired last. After a while the ones who had been working all day started to complain because those who only worked an hour, half day, and etc. were getting paid the same as them. The master of the vineyard told them that he had asked them if they would work in his vineyard for 1 pence and they had agreed. He was the master of his vineyard and he could pay whatever he wanted to pay. He also told them that sometimes; those that come last may come first.
Jesus is explaining that there are those that have been Christians all of their life... but there are some that may only be a Christian for an hour. Everyone receives the same. Yes, He does tell of crowns in heaven; for those that are rewarded; but in a different part of the Bible.
He also tells us this: If a man owes much to his master and he tells him he does not owe the debt; and he also tells a man that owes him little; who will love the master the most... the one who owes little or the one who owes much? Jesus is talking about sin.
I feel like God uses broken vessels (us). How do you really know what suffering is like if you have not been through it, divorced, abused, cheated on, and more. What a testimony these people have! God takes all of it away. It takes time but he heals your broken heart and gives peace beyond understanding. I can not explain it; you have to experience it yourself. He helps you to let go of all this GARBAGE that you are carrying around. I don't need a shrink ... I need Jesus. I don't have all the answers... but He does.
I have often thought about the men that Jesus chose to be his disciples. I can just see Peter on the ship with the men. I wonder what his language was like when Jesus saw him? Peter cut a man's ear off when they arrested Jesus. Jesus replaced the man's ear. Peter denied Him three times. They all hid after Jesus was arrested. Jesus knew when He was going to be arrested. He asked them to keep watch. The disciples were sleeping. Jesus even woke them, but they still slept. Even so he loved them enough to die for them. He even asked His Father if He would take this cup from Him. Jesus tells us... there is none without sin, all have fallen short of the glory of God. The Lord knocks on our heart's door. He will do it for a while but then moves on. He knows us better than we know ourselves. No one is perfect enough. He accepts us just like we are!! I remember traveling one time driving down a hi-way in a thick fog. I could not see 2 feet in front of me. It was sooo scary! Well that is what life is without Jesus Christ. My dad was 63 years old when he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Just a few seconds before closing his eyes forever... he said this: "Well, Jesus that is You." My grandpa died when my mother was 7 weeks old. He told my Granny that the angels were on the walls and they were coming to get him. Keep a watchful eye because He comes like a thief in the middle of the night.
Many blessings. All are in my prayers. God Bless, JanieWritten by bojgill4375
This entry has 5 comments:
#5 Comment from carouselqueen708/25/08 6:44 AM
Thank you for sharing that Janie. That was so beautiful. It really helped me this morning to have a better look at life. ..love ya, Christine
#4 Comment from lv2trnscrb8/21/08 10:06 PM
this was a beautiful entry, Janie, and so true!! the Lord allows us to go through the things we go through, but he does heal our brokenness and creates in us someone who can be used by him. I know some of the things I have gone through, I've been able to help others go through similar things, like people who went through it before me helped me get through things; I am glad for the things I've been through (although its hard to get through them at times) because it has brought me closer to Him.what a beautiful little girl you were!! thanks for sharing this betty
#3 Comment from lisa41076
8/21/08 8:34 PM
Janie, What a beautiful little girl you were !!!!!!! Hugs Lisa
#2 Comment from jhorky8/21/08 8:52 AM
I come in here and sometimes listen to the music and before you know it I am so ca=aught up in ot, I don't leave a comment. Sorry Lucy
#1 Comment from manda2177
8/21/08 7:51 AM
I loved reading this today Janie. I can use a big dose of what Jesus wants us to be doing!!! Thank you so much for shairn gna d taking the time to spread His wrods. Its so important! Many blessings-Amanda